Paul Dennis Sporer / Writings / Articles

Letter Sent to US Officials About the Iraq War, Feb 8, 2003
by Paul Dennis Sporer

I am totally, utterly and completely opposed to the US led war on Iraq and the overthrow of its government. The US has no legal, moral or political justification for doing so.

Note that neither America nor Britain is under any serious, imminent threat from Iraq. Ask yourself the question: How many Americans or British have been harmed or killed by ANY Iraqi in the last twelve years?  The answer is none. How many Americans or British have been arrested, attacked, mauled or killed in Baghdad in twelve years. None. Yet how many Iraqi men, women and children have died because of sanctions? Hundreds of thousands. And now America and Britain want to slaughter hundreds of thousands more, in order to 'liberate' them. The Iraqi people have shown amazing restraint at not venting their frustration at Europeans and Americans living in Iraq. This proposed war is sick, immoral, perverse, and un-Christian in the extreme.

Furthermore, it would be a violation of international laws, and if there were justice in this world, Bush, Blair and their accomplices would face a war crime tribunal, along with Saddam Hussein and others for their own misdeeds. Bush and Blair's claim that they are doing this to liberate the Iraqi people is utter rubbish. America and Britain did nothing for years while the Iraqi government committed atrocities; their recent 'moral concern' is a sham. I have observed that Americans make important decision based almost entirely on materialistic or social status calculations; humanitarianism, fairness and  compassion are ignored or ridiculed by most Americans. On the other hand, moral philosophy and Christian theology have historically been the basis for Europe's culture and institutions. How could anyone living in Europe be foolish enough to think that this war is anything but an attempt by America to savagely extend its own economic interests in the world?

I am totally, unequivocally, and explicitly against any war with Iraq, because there is not legal basis for it, nor is there any moral justification. The Pope and the Vatican, scientists, legal scholars, professors of history and politics, have all given excellent reasons for why this war is not justified. Please read their statements with great care.

Please use all means at your disposal to make known to the apathetic and indifferent population of America that the actions of their government, that are leading to a unprecedented military occupation of the Middle East, are fascistic and imperialistic. The time to act is NOW.

Tell the President he does NOT act in my name, and in my opinion, he is an ignorant, close-minded, insulting, arrogant, bully without any conscience.

Please do whatever is in your power to stand up to the America and UK in their imperialistic and fascistic war against the people of Iraq.

May I recommend that you introduce, support or facilitate the following possible actions

1. Bring a resolution against the US, UK, and Spain in the UN Security Council, condemning their ultimatum. Although sure to be vetoed by the US and others, it will send a message of resoluteness, showing the world that the UN will not back down in the face of threats.

2. Bring criminal charges against them in the ICJ or other court. Using threat of war to force a change of legitimate government in another country is a crime under international law. Thus, they are now already liable to judgement.

3. Demand that officials at the UN not to remove the inspectors. To allow the US and UK to force out the inspectors would mean that UN business is being interfered with. This is a clear violation of the UN Charter. After all, did the UN not threaten Iraq with 'serious consequences' if their government interfered with UN inspections?

Please use all means necessary to stop this clear, obvious attempt to occupy the Middle East, and to establish hegemony over the whole region. Show courage.

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