Paul Dennis Sporer / Writings / Articles

Letter Sent to US Bishops About the Iraq War, Feb 8, 2003
by Paul Dennis Sporer

I am a someone who is totally, utterly and completely opposed to the US led war on Iraq and the overthrow of its government. The aggressors have no legal, moral or political justification for doing so. Please know, that I am not a socialist, right winger, left winger, radical, hawk, dove or fanatic, but a devout Catholic, who does not show automatic support for any group, and who is concerned about and active in dealing with social issues. I believe this emerging foreign policy of America is the premier social evil of our time, outstripping even that of abortion. I stand against all excesses of power, including those in Islam, and of so-called Christians like George Bush; I promote an ideal of 'no favouritism'. Let us understand, that Saddam Hussein's regime was supported and paid for by American administration; whatever Saddam is, he is because America wanted him to be that way. Thus, the Iraqi 'problem' is the result of the decades long deliberate protection and support of tyranny by American governments, and now America wants to commit the ultimate crime to get rid of this ongoing 'embarrassment', and at the same time enrich the Administration and its cronies through a US imposed government in Iraq full of criminals.

Please examine the enclosed documents, which I am sure you will find enlightening. There are many sound, factually based reasons why we should be condemning the US and UK governments for their actions in the Middle East. I can assure you, that all the information I give is true. Let me state briefly here, what you could do.

I encourage you strongly to speak out about this issue, not just to local or diocesan papers, but to the national media, and to major political leaders. Let me explain why. Someone such as yourself, a national and international leader, with a direct connection to the Pope himself, needs to challenge the self-imposed ignorance of middle America, the 'blindness' spoken of in the Bible. The indolence of the public in America and even among many parish priests, I'm sure you'll agree, is shocking. By speaking bluntly about the moral and ethical aspects of this war, you could very well motivate those who seek peace to speak out, privately to their family, acquaintances and co-workers, as well as writing to their representatives, newspapers, and other publications, and demonstrating publicly. Further, when Catholics see you directly confronting the status quo, in front of millions of people, most of whom I might add are Protestant, they cannot but respect your leadership, and the image of the Church will rise enormously. Yes, there will be criticism, some of it harsh, but did not our Lord suffer much more?

Some high-ranking clerics are showing courage by confronting the American public. Bishop Gumbleton has brought the issues to national prominence by protesting at the White House, and by being arrested. Bishop John Michael Botean of the Romanian Byzantine Catholic Church in America issued a Lenten message to parishioners March 7, saying that the war does not meet the Christian criteria for a just war. Botean wrote '. . . any direct participation in and support of this war against the people of Iraq is objectively grave evil, a matter of mortal sin.'  However, those who oppose the war on moral grounds are left to 'twist in the wind', such as a Roman Catholic from Seattle, Stephen Eagle Funk, 20, a marine reserve who refuses to fight, and so might face a court martial and time in military prison. I have not heard of any bishop openly offering him help.

May I ask, What is your contribution to establishing peace and order? Are you speaking out to the national and international media? Are you trying hard enough to get the message across to politicians and the White House? There is one very effective way you can act to stop this new American imperialism, and that is by decreeing that support of the US led invasion and occupation of Iraq and forced government over its people a MORTAL SIN (see canons 747, 753, 1371, 1397). This would force the American public (most of whom are apathetic to a malicious extent, see canon  229) to face Christian beliefs and their conscience, and would turn many to actively oppose the war. Bishop Botean decreed that support of the US attack on Iraq was a mortal sin, do you as bishop in our church have the courage to do the same?

By confronting the Adversary with truth, his power is nullified. There is nothing that is impossible with God, and even tyrants, whether Saddam Hussein or George Bush, can be stopped. Please ask yourself this: Am I now being truly loyal to Christ? The answer is this: if you HAVE the ability to be heard by the national media and major political leaders, and you are not taking advantage of that opportunity now, then you are indeed not serving Christ, but serving Mammon. Most Americans know nothing about Iraq, its people, history, ethic complexity, religions -- yet they arrogantly appoint themselves guardians over a whole nation. I feel that this is an historic moment for the West, a time when the age of America will disappear, and Europe will become the guiding force in the world. Listen to the voices of Europeans, so far better educated and informed, who turn to their rich culture, based on Christian precepts. Make no mistake, America has made an error of immense proportions, and it will pay the price. The Middle East problem will only worsen, and the Iraqi situation will degenerate and create a humanitarian disaster. I can foresee another West Bank being created in Iraq, with America instead of Israel committing the atrocities. If the US succeeds in its fascistic plans, then the world will see this as EVIL TRIUMPHING OVER GOOD.  Is this the message you want to send to an entire generation? I strongly urge you to read the ENCLOSED documents, and enlighten yourself about the situation, which is being censored in America; feel free to use this information for any speech or interview you might give. Please let me know what of you think of the things I have spoken about here.

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