Paul Dennis Sporer / Home / Comprehensive information on the background, activities, accomplishments and projects of an author, artist and publisher








Paul Dennis Sporer, Portrait, (c) 2007Welcome to Paul Dennis Sporer's official website, which provides information on his background, projects, and writings. He is a prolific and creative individual who takes the role of constructivist in social matters, looking for goal-orientated change through intense investigation, reasoned debate and the propagation of truth. Paul's literary endeavours involve a multitude of areas. He has published four books concerning the historical aspects of marriage. At Anza Publishing, he is involved in project development and acquisitions; he has also been the editor on more than 30 books in a wide range of areas. His writing and editing projects, not surprisingly, encompass various important topics, but all of his work shares a common focus on humanitarian values, such as that of courage, justice, and fairness.

On this website, you can read a short biography which describes the factors that influenced his studies of  history, literature, social organisation, science, music, and the visual arts. There is also an exposition of principles, focussing on the necessity of formulating and bringing to life viable personal ideals which will ultimately be of benefit to larger society. In the Art section, Paul discusses the inspirations that guide him in the areas of music and the visual arts, as well as the attitudes and approaches he believes are required in order to bring about aesthetic gratification.

Paul is married to the highly talented artist and designer Cassandra Sporer; you can view her own website at

To obtain more information on Paul Dennis Sporer's books, please visit this link.

For more information on Sporer's research into activities related to the illegal behaviour of aircraft, please go to

For more information on his research into Anomalous Environmental Sounds,  please go to

For more information on the politically motivated FBI investigation into the activities of Sporer's father, please go to

If you have any questions or comments, we would be most happy to hear from you at


All Material Copyright © by Paul Dennis Sporer
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